Precision Platinum RTD Meter

Brand: Palmer Wahl Instruments, Inc

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Models matching criteria: 9
392 Precision Platinum RTD Meter, LED, -60.0/752°F 11681-1NiCad Battery Pack, °F
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392 Precision Platinum RTD Meter, LED, -51.1/400°C 11681-1NiCad Battery Pack, °C
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392 Precision Platinum RTD Meter, LED, -60.0/752°F (-51.1/400°C) 11681-1NiCad Battery Pack, Dual Scale
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392 Precision Platinum RTD Meter, LCD, -60.0/752°F 11681-1 NiCad Battery Pack, °F
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392 Precision Platinum RTD Meter, LCD, -51.1/400°C 11681-1 NiCad Battery Pack, °C
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392 Precision Platinum RTD Meter, LCD, -60.0/752°F (-51.1/400°C) 11681-1 NiCad Battery Pack, Dual Scale
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392 Precision Platinum RTD Meter, LCD, -60.0/752°F 9V Battery, °F
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392 Precision Platinum RTD Meter, LCD, -51.1/400°C 9V Battery, °C
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392 Precision Platinum RTD Meter, LCD, -60.0/752°F (-51.1/400°C) 9V Battery, Dual Scale
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